Book Reviews and
Review Essays
Chris Wellin’s paternal grandmother, Anna Wellin. Artist: Jeannette Herrick, Anna Wellin’s daughter (and Chris Wellin’s aunt).
Wellin, C. (2019) Review of “Golden Years: Social Inequality in Later Life” by Deborah Carr. Contemporary Sociology. Vol. 49 (3) [May 2020]: 248-50.
Wellin, C. (2016) Review essay/nomination, “Lifetime Achievement Award for Howard S. Becker.” Newsletter of the Crime and Juvenile Delinquency Division of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (summer): 2-9.
Wellin, C. (2014). Review of “Retirement on the Line” by Caitrin Lynch. The American Anthropologist, Vol. 116, No. 3 (August): 685-86.
Wellin, C. (2014). “Documentary Film, Teaching, and the Accumulation of Sociological Insight: The Work of Richard Broadman.” Teaching Sociology, Vol 41, No. 4 (October): 403-407. (Invited review).
Wellin, C. (2010). “Growing Pains in the Sociology of Aging and the Life Course: A Review Essay on Recent Textbooks.” Teaching Sociology, Vol. 38, No. 4: 373-382.
Wellin, C. (2003). Review of "The Elusive Quest: Accountability in Hospitals" by Carolyn L. Wiener. Qualitative Sociology, Vol. 26, No. 1 (Spring): 131-135.
Wellin, C. (2002). Review of "Caring and Doing for Others” edited by Alice S. Rossi. in In Contemporary Sociology, Vol. 32, No. 1 (January): 32-34.
Wellin, C. (1999). “Researching Technicians’ (and Others’) Work: The Key to Understanding is Practice." Qualitative Sociology, Vol.22, No.1 (Spring): 73-82. [Review Essay]
Fine, G.A. and C. Wellin. (1999), "Tricks and Reveries." Qualitative Sociology, Vol. 22, No.1 (Spring): 93-98 [Review Essay].