Publications (Monograph or Edited Volume)
Wellin, C., Editor (2018). Critical Gerontology Comes of Age: Advances in Theory and Research for a New Century. New York: Routledge. Introduction. Chapter 8.
An interview with Chris Wellin on NPR station WGLT on Critical Gerontoloogy.“Home Health: The Neglected Segment of Elder Care.”
Links to Critical Gerontology on Amazon. Barnes & Noble. IndieBound. Routledge.
Dissertation: "Liberation Technology? Workers’ Knowledge and the Micro-Politics of Adopting Computer Automation in Industry.” Northwestern University. 1997.
Publications (Peer Reviewed)
Wellin, C. (2018) “The Need for, and Fruits of, a Current, Critical Gerontology.” Pp. 1-18 in C. Wellin (Ed.), Critical Gerontology Comes of Age. New York: Routledge.
Wellin, C. (2018). “Paid Caregiving for Older Adults with Serious or Chronic Illness: Ethnographic Perspectives, Evidence, and Implications for Training.” Pp. 112-133In C. Wellin (Ed.) Critical Gerontology Comes of Age. New York: Routledge.
Wellin, C. and B. Hollister (2012) “Societal Aging in the U.S.: Impact on Health, Economic Security, and Retirement.” Pp. 101-15 in G. W. Muschert, et al., (eds) Agenda for Social Justice, Solutions 2012 (Knoxville, TN: Society for the Study of Social Problems).
Carr, D., C. Wellin, and H. Reece. (2009) “Arts and Aging Research: Revealing an Elusive but Promising Direction for the Era of the Third Age.” Journal of Arts, Humanities, And Aging, Vol. 3, No. 3: 199-221.
Jaffe, D.J. and C. Wellin. (2008) “June’s Troubled Transition: Adjustment to Residential Care For Older Adults with Dementia.” Care Management Journals, Vol. 9, No. 3: 128-137.
Wellin, C. (2008) “Telling Tales Out of School: Dilemmas of Race and Inclusiveness in the Liberal Academy.” The American Behavioral Scientist, Vol. 51, No. 5: 686-708.
Wellin, C. (2008). “Skill Demands and Training Needs of Paid Caregivers of Older Adults.” Research on Future Skill Demands: A Workshop Summary. Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. 36-43.
Wellin, C. (2007) “Narrative Interviewing: Process and Benefits in Teaching about Aging And the Life Course.” Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, Vol. 28, No. 1: 79-99.
Estes, C.L., K. Linkins, S. Shostack, C. Goldberg, C. Wellin, R. Beard. (2006). “Implications of Welfare Reform for the Elderly: A Case Study of Provider, Advocate, and Consumer Perspectives.” Journal of Aging and Social Policy, Vol. 18, No. 1: 41-63.
Wellin, C. (2006). “Scrutinizing Familial Care in Consumer-Directed Long Term Care Programs: Implications for Theory and Research.” Pp. 195-220 in S. Kunkel and V. Wellin (Eds.) Consumer Voice and Choice in Long-Term Care. New York: Springer.
Estes, C.L. , C. Wellin, D.D. Ogawa, & T.A. Weitz. (2006). “History of Health Care Policy For the Elderly.” Pp. 490-496 in R. Schulz, et al. (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Aging (Fourth Ed.). New York: Springer.
Wellin, C. and D.J. Jaffe (2004). “In Search of Personal Care: Challenges to Identity Support in Residential Care for Elders with Cognitive Illness.” Journal of Aging Studies, Vol. 18, No. 3 (August): 275-295. (A previous version was published as Working Paper # 22 in series: Center for Working Families, University of California, Berkeley. http://
Wellin, C. and G.A. Fine. (2001). "Ethnography as Work: Career Socialization, Settings, and Problems." Pp. 323-38 in Paul Atkinson, et al.(eds). Handbook of Ethnography. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications. (Reprinted in softbound edition, 2007).
Estes. C.L. and C. Wellin. (2000). "Health Policy Analysis." in Edgar F. Borgatta and Marie L. Borgatta (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sociology, (2nd Ed.) New York: Macmillan.
Wellin, C. (1996). "Life at Lake Home: An Ethnographic Performance in Six Voices, An Essay on Method in Two." Qualitative Sociology, Vol. 19, No. 4 (Winter) Pp.497-516.
Wellin, C. (1996). "Teaching as Modeling Inquiry" Pp.74-80 in Kenneth Allan & Melinda Messineo (Eds.) Training Teaching Assistants (2nd Ed.) Washington, DC: ASA Teaching Resources Center. (Reprinted in Graduate Student Instructor and Teaching Assistant Program Development, 3rd Edition. Edited by Melinda Messineo. ASA T.R.C.
Wellin, C. (1993). "Careers in Art Worlds" Dilemmas of Mobility in Theater Work." Pp.247-276 in Muriel Cantor & Cheryl Zollars (Eds.) Creators of Culture: Current Research on Occupations and Professions, Vol. 8. Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Jaffe, D. J. and C. Wellin. (1989). "The Nature of Problematic Homesharing Matches: The Case of Share-A-Home of Milwaukee." Pp.181-193 in Dale J. Jaffe (Ed.) Shared Housing for the Elderly. Greenwood Press: Westport, CT .