Papers presented at professional meetings
Wellin, C. “Negotiating Research Partnerships with Community Agencies: Lessons Learned from An Innovative Capstone Seminar.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, NY. August, 2019.
Wellin, C. “Impacts of Neoliberalism on Social Work Practice and Careers: A Preliminary Research Agenda and Literature Review.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study Of Social Problems, Philadelphia, PA. August, 2018.
Wellin, C. “Integrating Applied Research and Theorizing in Undergraduate Sociology Courses.” (Accepted but not delivered, due to travel conflict). Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August, 2017.
M. Schmeeckle and C. Wellin. “Fostering Independent Undergraduate Research to Explore Global Connections and Social Worlds.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study Of Social Problems, Seattle, WA. August 2016.
Wellin, C. “Career Contributions of Howard S. Becker”: A Panel Celebrating a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Society for the Study of Social Problems.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL. August 2015
K. Raynor and C. Wellin. “Evidence Based Health Programs in the Community for Elders: A Formative Evaluation of Participation.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Chicago, IL. August 2015
Wellin, C. “Exemplars of Qualitative Health Research: Contributions of Leonard Schatzman,” Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA. August 2014
Wellin, C. and C. Mallory. “Benefits and Challenges of Discourse across Professional Boundaries: An Imperative in Serving Older and/or Disabled People in the Community,” Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, San Francisco, CA. August 2014
Wellin, C. “Evidence Based Practice in Health and Human Services: Keys to Critique from a Sociological Perspective.” Annual meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, NY. August 2013.
Wellin, C. “Involving Faculty Members in the Internship Process.” Annual meeting of the Illinois Cooperative Education and Internship Association, Normal, IL April 2013.
Wellin, C. “Undergraduate Research, Interactionism, and Re-constructing Social Problems. Annual meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, Chicago, IL. March, 2013.
Wellin, C. “Making Gray Gold: A Twenty-Year Retrospective.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO. August 2012.
Wellin, C. and C. Kart. “Advocating for the Aged and Disabled in Community-Based Care: the Promise and Limitations of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program.” Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Denver, CO. August 2012.
Wellin, C. and C. Mallory. “Developing a Network of Teachers, Researchers, and Clinicians to Support Student Learning about Aging, Health, and Disability. Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, Illinois State University, Normal, IL. January 2012.
Wellin, C. “Meanings and Benefits of Interdisciplinary Education: Reflecting on Gerontology in the Development of Students in Health and Social Service Fields.” Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, Illinois State University. Normal, IL. January 2011.
Wellin, C. “Integrating Cohort Analysis and Narrative Interviewing: The Case of the G.I. Bill and Expansion of the Post-WWII Professoriate.” Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Social Problems. Atlanta, GA. August 2010.
D. Carr, C. Wellin, and H. Reece. “The Arts and Creativity in the Third Age: an Elusive But Promising Theme in Aging Research.” Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, New York, N.Y. August 2007.
Wellin, C. and K. Stock. “Mutuality and Mentoring: How Integrating Social Gerontology and Clinical Fields Enhances Both Teaching and Practice.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education (AGHE), Portland, OR, March 2007.
Wellin, C., C. Kart, and M.E. Stone. “Assessing Challenges Facing the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program in Ohio.” Annual Meeting of the Gerontological Society Of America, Dallas, November 2006.
Wellin, C. “Enhancing Interdisciplinary Connections.” American Sociological Association, Montreal, Canada. August 2006
Wellin, C. and C.L. Estes. “Embattled Advocates for Aging Services and the Fragility Of the Non-Profit Sector.” Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Montreal, Canada. August 2006.
Cherney, J., J. Dolmage, K. Hutchinson, C. Lewiecki-Wilson, J. Lynch, K. McMahon- Klosterman, C. Wellin. “Developing a Disability Studies Curriculum.” Annual meeting of the Society for Disability Studies, Bethesda, MD. June 2006.
Wellin, C. “Narrative Interviewing: Benefits and Risks in Undergraduate Courses on Aging and the Life Course.” Annual Meeting of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Indianapolis, IN: February 2006.
Wellin, C. and C. Caronna. “Negotiating Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Health Services Research.” Annual Meetings of the ASA, San Francisco, CA: August 2004.
Wellin, C. “Problematizing Familial Care Decisions in Consumer-Directed Long-Term Care.” 4th Annual Carework Conference, San Francisco, CA: August 2004.
Carr, D. and C. Wellin. “The Arts, Creativity, and Educational Programming for Older Adults: A Marginal Theme in Social Gerontology.” Annual Meetings of the Association for Gerontology in Higher Education, Richmond, VA, March 2004.
Wellin, C. “Narrative Interviewing: Process and Product in Teaching Sociology of Aging and the Life Course.” Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association (ASA), Atlanta, GA, August 2003.
Wellin, C. “Integrating Theory and Practice in Gerontology: Narrative vs. Prescriptive Accounts.” Annual Meetings of the Ohio Association for Gerontology and Education, Dayton, OH, March 2003.
Wellin, C. and D.J. Jaffe. "Clock Time and Story Time: Tensions in Paid Care for the Fragile Self in Alzheimer's Disease." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Chicago, IL, August 2002.
Wellin, C. and D. J. Jaffe. "Consumer Direction and the Commodification of Care." Panel members at the Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Chicago, IL, November 2001.
Wellin, C. "Framing (Social Problems), Funding, and Field Research: Community Mental Health and the NIMH." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Anaheim, CA, August 2001.
Estes, C.L., K. Linkins, S. Shostak, C. Wellin, and R. Beard. "Unintended Consequences of Welfare Devolution for Provision of Health and Social Services to the Aged in San Francisco." Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco, CA, November 2000.
Wellin, C. and D.J. Jaffe. "Multiple Realities of Work and Care in an 'Alzheimer's' Group Home." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Washington, D.C., August 2000.
Wellin, C. and G.A. Fine. "Ethnography as an Occupation." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Chicago, IL, August 1999.
Wellin, C. "Paradoxes of Work and Care in an 'Alzheimer's' Group Home." Institute for Health and Aging, University of California, San Francisco, CA, May 1999.
Wellin, C. "Managers’ Rhetorics of Workers’ Skill in Introducing Computer-Automation in Industry." Annual Meetings of the ASA, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.
Wellin, C. and B. Beck."Managing and Honoring Career Inactivity in the Arts: Variations in Theater Work." Annual Meetings of the Society for the Study of Symbolic Interaction, San Francisco, CA, August 1998.
Wellin, C. "Negotiating Technical Change in Industry: An Ethnographic Case-Study of the Appropriation of Shop Floor Skill." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Toronto, Canada. August 1997.
Wellin, C. and B. Beck. "Modeling Inquiry as a Principle in Teacher’s Training." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Toronto, Canada, August 1997.
Wellin, C. and D. Shulman. "Representations of Theorizing in Field Research: From Prescriptive to Experiential Models." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Washington, D.C., August 1995.
Wellin, C. Principal organizer for conference: "Critical Methods in the Study of Culture." Center for International Studies, Northwestern University, October 1995.
Wellin, C. "The Critical Dimension in Evaluation Research: A Sociology of Knowledge Approach." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Los Angeles, CA, August 1994.
Wellin, C. "Research, Identity, and Estrangement." Invited lecture to the ASA Honors Program, Annual Meetings of the ASA, Los Angeles, CA, August 1994.
Wellin, C. "Adaptation to Computer-Automation in Industry: A Case Study of Changing Skill Demands." National Science Foundation Seminar on Race, Poverty, and Urban Inequality, University of Chicago, October 1993.
Wellin, C. "Performance, Realism, and (Re) Presenting Social Life." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Miami, FL, August 1993.
Wellin, C. "Didactic Session on Planning and Implementing Field Studies." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Miami, FL. August 1993
Wellin, C. "Dilemmas of Mobility in Art Worlds." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Pittsburgh, PA, August 1992.
Jaffe, D. J., C. Wellin, and S. Steely. "Creating Alzheimer’s disease and Destroying the Self: An ethnography of dementia." Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Boston, MA. November 1990.
Wellin, C. "The Structure of Loneliness: Power and Interaction in an Alzheimer’s Group Home." Annual Meetings of the ASA, Washington, D.C. August 1990.
Wellin, C. "The Social Organization of Technical Theater Work in Chicago." Center for Interdisciplinary Research in the Arts. Northwestern University. November 1990.
Wellin, C. "Problems of Writing and Analysis in Qualitative Sociology." Annual Meetings of the ASA, San Francisco, CA, August 1989.
Wellin, C. "Alzheimer’s Disease and the Social Transformation of Self." Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association (ASA), Atlanta, GA, August 1988.
by Mark Mulhern used by permission
Invited & Department Lectures
Wellin, C. “Hidden but Essential Work: The Impact and Complexity of Hospice Volunteering.” Invited keynote presentation to staff of Advocate-Bromenn Hospice, Bloomington, IL. April 2015.
Wellin, C. “Evidence Based Practice in Health and Human Services: A Critique and Research Agenda from a Sociological Perspective. Departmental colloquium, Department of Sociology & Anthropology, Illinois State University. Normal, IL, September 2014.
Wellin, C. “Generational Changes in Retirement Patterns. Invited lecture at Westminster Village Retirement Community. Bloomington, IL, July 2013.
Wellin, C. “Applying Research to Enhance Quality of Life.” Brain Aerobics Program. Illinois State University. July 2013.
Wellin, C. “Applying Research to Enhance Quality of Life for People with Dementia and their Caregivers.” Invited keynote presentation for the Family Forum of the Alzheimer’s Association of Greater Illinois. Normal, IL, August 2011.
Wellin, C. “Integrating Cohort Analysis with Narrative Interviewing: The Post WWII G.I. Bill and its Impact on Academic Careers. Gerontology speaker series, Eastern Illinois University, Charleston, IL, January 2011.
Wellin. C. Discussant for Session on Institutional Ethnography: “Speaking to ‘The System’: Diagnosis, Access, and Services from Users' Perspectives.” Society for the Study of Social Problems, Boston, MA, July 2008.
Wellin, C. “The Arts and Creativity in Gerontological Research: Findings and Implications of Content Analysis for Understanding the Third Age.” California State University, East Bay, Hayward, CA, April 2008.
Wellin, C. “Paid Caregiving for the Aged and Disabled: A Challenge and Agenda for Medical Sociology.” Howard University, Washington, DC. April 2008.
Wellin, C. “Themes and Implications of Ethnographic Research of Paid Caregiving.” Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University, February 2008.
Wellin, C. “Karl Mannheim’s Sociology of Knowledge, and Contemporary Political Discourse.” Salem State College, Salem, MA, January 2008.
Wellin, C. “Paid Caregiving for Older Adults with Serious or Chronic Illness: Ethnographic Perspectives, Evidence, and Implications for Training.” Presented to the National Academies Center for Education. Washington, DC. May, 2007
Wellin, C. and C. S. Kart. “Enhancing the Effectiveness of the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program in Ohio.” Scripps Gerontology Center, Miami University. September, 2006.
Wellin, C. "The Denial of Fun in Late Life: A Critique of Academic Gerontology." Lecture in honor of Bernard Beck, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University. May, 2006.
Wellin, C. “Telling Tales out of School: Dilemmas of Race and Inclusiveness in the Liberal Academy.” Departmental Colloquium, Miami University. Miami University, October, 2005.
Wellin, C. “Developing a Reflective, Ethnographic Perspective on the Annual Meetings.” Presentation to the Honors Program of the American Sociological Association, (2001- 2004). [Part of the orientation to ASA Honors Program participants.]
Wellin, C. “In Search of Personal Care.” Departmental Colloquium, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH, March 2004.
Wellin, C. “Organizational Culture: Notes from an Ethnographic Case Study of Technical Change in Industry.” Sociology of Culture series, University of California, Davis, CA, October 1998.